GETECH Provides total CIM Solution to Global Sensor Technology (GST) to Build its State-of-the-Art Semiconductor Benchmark Factory
“In the CIM project, through the whole-process production control for GST’s cooled and uncooled products, the production data can be collected and processed in real-time accurately and effectively. Meanwhile the integration with systems such as ERP, WMS, PDM and OA makes the CIM an effective portal that shares data and lays out a good platform and data foundation for further developments such as equipment intelligent control, big data analysis and AI”
said Xiao Changbao, the Chief Architect and Semiconductor Software Development Manager of GETECH.
Xu Lei, the Chief Advisor of GETECH’s semiconductor CIM points out:
“In general, through its production process control and error-proof mechanism, and the real-time production monitoring and responding of the QC system, the CIM will reduce the product reworking and scrap rate and improve the first-time yield rate. Meanwhile, by sharing info. between orders, production and warehouses, the delivery time can be shortened, loss and cost reduced, forming an improvement close loop.”
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